Redshift Reality in 2015 (article preview)

(c) Copyright 2010-2012 David j Dilworth

(This is a sample “taste” of the article. The whole article is almost done for the process of submission for commercial publication. I’ll let you know right here when and where it is available.)

Redshift occurs when spectral lines of light or other electromagnetic radiation from astrophysical objects (like galaxies) show up in longer wavelengths than normal (in a laboratory experiment), apparently resulting in energy loss. It is the primary measuring “stick” used to determine cosmological distances. Redshift is measured several ways, in several wavelength bands, though surprisingly rarely in the visible light range. It has a huge variance or margin of error that is not widely appreciated, and is evidently caused by several independent phenomena.

Blueshift is the reverse – when spectral lines move towards shorter wavelengths apparently meaning an increase in radiation energy. Blueshift has been observed in radiation emitted by hundreds of galaxies and billions of stars.

Importance: The interpretation of Spectral line Redshift as Universe expansion is the primary support for Big Bang models.

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(This is a sample “taste” of the article. The whole article is prepared and in process of submission for commercial publication. I’ll let you know right here when and where it is available.)


One Response to Redshift Reality in 2015 (article preview)

  1. Looking forward for the full article.

    From Mapping the Universe

    “The notion that the universe is expanding is based on the classic interpretation of the redshift and blueshift effects, but if QGD is correct and redshift and blueshift effects are consequences of the stage of evolution of their source, then the expanding universe model loses its most important argument. The data then becomes consistent with the locally condensing universe proposed by quantum-geometry dynamics.”

    This will be found to be in agreement with Halton Arp’s observations of redshift anomalies.

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