Inflation Illustration
Credit: Jeb
Here’s a very clear article in (relatively) plain English explaining problems with the Cosmological Inflation conjecture by Sean Carroll in Discovery Magazine.
While I disagree with the author’s conclusion that the final ingredients of a “settled” cosmology hypothesis will include Inflation, this article is very well summarized, explained and organized.
I especially appreciate his diplomatic manner of explaining how Multiverse concepts, (and invoking Inflation itself) may evaporate when held up to physics and physical reality, his comparison of fine-tuning for Big Bang and Inflation, and his revealing sentiments about the problems illustrated.
I believe in the Copernicus Theory. We are confused by our particular point of observation.
Furthermore, too much in love with our own mathematics. Inflation theory is nothing more than a patch. As is Dark Mass and Dark Energy. According to the latest theories, we should know where the centre of reality started from, some 13.8 billion years ago. No-one dares point to it.
Nice article. I also recommend: http://www.physics.princeton.edu/~steinh/0411036.pdf
Thank you for your suggestion of a good article on the Inflation debate from Scientific American Douglas.
The new Scientific American also throws more doubt to this theory.
It would be nice if the site make a good summary.