A Cosmology Ballad
(c) Copyright 2022-2025 David Dilworth
For Forty Thousand Fortnights,
Ptolemy ruled the skies,
with his Earth centered-universe,
ere its overdue demise.
Well, 500 years hereafter,
I’m embarrassed to confess,
Cosmology still grasps mirages,
making another goofy mess.
Gravitational Expansion,
a self-conflicting view,
another Earth-centered blunder,
misled by a sexy clue.
If Space really has expansion
then why not our Milky-way?
Bang’s galactic contradictions,
such a tortured disarray.
Imaginary Dark Matter,
has its missing-in-action quirk,
while overlooked Red Dwarfs
have all the right stuff to work.
Microwave “background,”
with an odor of illusion
can’t be caught by camera,
so twisted calculations,
sell us a delusion.
Far beyond our solar system,
Magnets rule galactic veils,
Finally large-scale structure fits into coherent, reasonable tales.
But concrete Big Bang minds,
Mixed up and set so solid,
spew Seagull squawks of protest,
defending thoughts impossibly valid.
Growing silliness for half a century,
Bang house cards now in tatters,
illuminating simple facts,
invokes angry seagull mutters.
For a dozen recent Lustrum,
theories tortured common sense,
driving reason to the weeds,
an infuriating offense.
Piece by silly piece,
Theorists warped math into a cloud,
T’would make dear old Rube Goldberg,
awkwardly, goofily proud.
Now that Bang’s exposed as faulty,
painfully obvious as a lie,
many wonder in dismay,
why it takes so long to die.
Could it be because Big Bangers
prefer a flashy show,
willfully using wrong maps,
than confess that they don’t know.
Back in our stable, Simmering Universe.
Raise a glass and join our song,
Sharing hearty cheers,
all the light-year long.
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