Astronomical Image Enhancements

Astronomical Image Enhancement Engineer Brant Widgeon explaining . . .

Astronomical Image Enhancement Engineer Brant Widgeon explaining . . .

It is not always made clear that astronomical images are altered or “cleaned-up” before we see them. You know the colors of gasses and dust are “adjusted” so we can more easily see different astrophysical phenomena. You might be surprised to learn everything that goes into making the celestial beautiful.

Well, here’s an interview with an Astronomical Image Enhancement engineer, Brant Widgeon, who describes one of the lesser known phenomena that interferes with so many space photographs.

Thanks to Andy Freeburg

Now if you ever wondered how those spectacularly colorful space images are really made — click here : Creating a Hubble Galaxy in Two Minutes

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2 Responses to Astronomical Image Enhancements

  1. Anirudh Kumar Satsangi says:

    Very nice article David. Congrats. I am also submitting my views on Cosmos.

    According to Radhasoami Faith there are three grand divisions of the universe viz.,
    1. Nirmal Chetan Desh (Region of Pure Spirituality) – This region is mostly unknown and unexplained scientifically.
    2. Brahmand Desh (Spiritual-Material Region) – Known part of the universe. This is also known as subtle material region.
    3. Pind Desh (Material-Spiritual Region) – Known part of the universe. Mostly visible to our naked eyes. This is also known as gross material region
    “The creation of Pind includes our Solar System and the Brahmanda is above it and the Nirmal Chetan Dham i.e. Dayal Desh is still higher and beyond” (Bachan No. 65, Selected Bachans of Param Guru Maharaj Sahab).
    Thus it is clear that our Solar System is Pind Desh and Milky Way Galaxy is our Brahmada Region (our Triloki). There are billions of galaxies in our universe (known part). Each galaxy is also known as Island Universe. In the terminology of Religion of Saints we may call it Triloki. Pind and Brahmanda comprise about 6% of known universe so far. Remaining (about 94%) of the universe is unexplained till date. This unknown part of the universe comprises mostly of dark energy and dark matter. Perhaps this unexplained and unknown part of the universe constitute the region of Nirmal Chetan Desh (Region of Pure Spirituality)
    This seems to be an approximate scientific validation of Radhasoami Faith view of division of the universe into three grand divisions.
    We are the integral part of this WHOLE. We are the representative of Bio-Physics.

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