Relational Mechanics using Mach’s Principle and Weber’s Gravitational Force
The perpetually fascinating Andre Assis has just published a new cosmology book entitled —
“Relational Mechanics and Implementation of Mach’s Principle with Weber’s Gravitational Force” by Apeiron, Montreal, 2014. (542 pages, 26 Chapters, 3 Appendices, 340 figures and 595 references.)
The book presents a comparison between Newtonian mechanics, Einstein’s special and general relativity, and relational mechanics.
“Relational Mechanics” is a quantitative implementation of the ideas of Leibniz, Berkeley and Mach. This volume explains how to integrate those with Weber’s force law for gravitation and the principle of dynamic equilibrium.
It is a new formulation of mechanics intended to replace not only Newton’s classical mechanics, but also Einstein’s special and general theories of relativity.
The book discusses the differences between relative and absolute motion, inertial frames of reference, the distinction between the kinematic and dynamic rotations of the Earth, the principle of equivalence, and proportionality between inertial and gravitational masses.
Several crucial experiments are deeply discussed: Galileo’s free fall, simple pendulum, Newton’s bucket experiment (examining the curved water surface of a spinning bucket half-filled with water), the flattening of the Earth at the poles, and Foucault’s pendulum.
According to “Relational Mechanics” inertial forces are due to a gravitational interaction between the test body and distant galaxies. Centrifugal force and Coriolis force are deduced and interpreted as real forces of gravitational origin, being exerted by the galaxies on the test body, whenever there is a relative rotation between the body and the set of galaxies.
“Relational Mechanics” explains Newton’s bucket experiment with the curvature of the water being due to a gravitational interaction between the water and the set of distant galaxies, when there is a relative rotation between the water and the set of galaxies.
Weber’s electrodynamics and Ampère’s force between current elements are presented and compared with classical electromagnetism (Maxwell’s equations and Lorentz’s force law). The origins of the magnetic force and the different meanings of the velocity which appears in this law are discussed. The “field” concept is analyzed deeply.
Other topics presented in this work: the gravitational paradox, the universe with and without expansion, the finite and infinite universe, problems with big bang model, the history of the temperature of the cosmic microwave radiation, the cosmological points of view of Edwin Hubble, and Schrödinger’s work on Mach’s principle.
Two chapters of this book examine reasons why Einstein’s special and general theories of relativity deserve serious questions.
The fascinating, thoughtful book is written for physicists, engineers, mathematicians, historians, philosophers of science and students.
The printed version of the book can be ordered through Amazon —
This book is also freely available in PDF format (6 Mb) at:
ISBN: 978-0-9920456-3-0. by Andre K. T. Assis.
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